Seeds – generative and vegetative organs of plants used for their reproduction.
Planting material – plants and their vegetative organs (parts) suitable for reproduction of whole plant.
Seed production – a plant industry sector that ensures multiplication of seed and planting material as well as preservation and improvement of its varietal, sowing and yield characteristics and carries out varietal and seed control.
Initial beds of seed production – crops and plantings of nurseries for selection and propagation of certain plant variety.
Pre-basic seeds – seeds of initial beds of seed production used for further multiplication and production of basic seeds.
Basic seeds – seeds received in a result of successive multiplication of a pre-basic seeds in the elite-seed and other farms added to the list of the State Register of seed and planting material producers.
Reproduction seeds - seed of the first and subsequent reproductions.
Seeds and planting material lot- a certain quantity of homogeneous in quality seeds and planting material and its quality shall be certified by the relevant document.
Seed varietal characteristics – a set of characteristics which allow to ascribe a plant to the relevant variety.
Seed sowing characteristics – a set of seed quality characteristics which indicate that it is suitable for sowing (planting).
Varietal purity of seeds – the ration of the quantity of stems of the main variety to the total quantity of developed stems of the crop.
Standard seed –seed with the varietal and sowing characteristics meeting the requirements of the regulatory documents.
Substandard seed –seed inconsistent with the requirements to quality characteristics set in the regulatory documents.
Seed production and nursery system –a complex of interconnected organizational, scientific and agrotechnical measures aimed at ensuring production, sale and use of seeds and planting material of agricultural, forest, decorative and medicinal plants.